Wednesday 27 April 2011

Romina Ricci & Charo Bogarin in "Paco" [2009 Argentina]

Argentinian actor-director Diego Rafecas' impressive film "Paco" tackles the ills of drug abuse, particularly of the cheap and toxic 'Paco' variety, made from the residue of 'mainstream' drug production. He had also boldly and intelligently raised several related issues - social, moral, political, criminal, and legal. The film reaches out to the middle classes by pointing out that the system, even with good intentions, cannot be perfect, and makes a plea for common sense to prevail.

Constructed as a drama, the film outlines the sad stories of various inmates in a drug rehabilitation centre and follows their progress. Some of them succeed in conquering their demons, while some, even when cured of the addiction, have yet to find new focus. As quoted in the film, "everyone must discover their own purpose in life - no one can do it for them". Easier said than done! In all respects, this is a very well made film with sincere performances by all main characters, and the technical and creative aspects such as cinematography, editing, and direction, are all of high standard. And I simply loved the eclectic soundtrack, which adds something extra to every scene. Argentinian cinema had been going through something of a renaissance over the past few years, and this is one such fine example.

The DVD includes lots of goodies apart from the 'Making of', like separate soundtracks, music videos and interviews - it is real good value for money, and what's more, part of the proceeds from the production go to a charity working with drug rehabilitation. Needless to say, Highly Recommended Viewing!

Romina Ricci & Charo Bogarin

Romina Ricci in Paco

Scene Guide:
  • Yamila hangs out at a joint and will do anyone for two lines of 'Paco'. When she takes one of the traders in, the other holding guard is also coaxed to treating himself, and the buyers escape with the stuff, leaving Yamila to deal with the consequences. Not a pleasant scene, but you will notice that Romina Ricci who plays Yamila has a rather impressive rack.
  • Brief nudity. Nora couldn't wait until her boyfriend could turn up, and desperate for a fix, begs the 'kitchen' guards for a fix. The owner sees her and takes her inside and everyone have a go. Nora is played by Charo Bogarin.


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