The film is about one young woman's relentless search for her fiancé, offcially 'missing in action' in the bloody battlefields of The Somme during the first World War. Mathilde puts together pieces of information she receives from various sources, and in the process learns that her fiancé, along with four others were left for dead in no man's land, without weapons, as punishment for faking injury so they could return home early. But she never loses hope, and pursues every clue she could lay her hands on. The enchanting Audrey Tautou plays Mathilde quite admirably.
I had reviewed this film several years ago elsewhere, but I've cut these scenes again more recently from Blu-ray, so there should be no harm in it being recorded here as well.
Scene 1:
This is actually a combination of 2 scenes of Audrey - the first part is when Mathilde receives one of her regular massages from her physiotherapist. The second half is Mathilde reminiscing her first sexual experience with her fiancé.
Bonus Scene:
There is not much nudity in this scene, but the situation makes it quite erotic. Jodie Foster and her husband could not concieve, so her husband, out of love, persuades her to try it with his close friend who he believes to be more virile. The first awkward moments as the couple sit for tea is followed by passionate lovemaking, when at one time it appears nothing much was ever going to happen. The scene is beautifully captured, and great to watch.
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